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CopyFat 2.0: FileCopy ProgramVersion: VB6
Author: Abhishek ChatterjeeSubmitted: 9/27/2004Downloads: 6376
Based on principle of "Ignore the File I/O error and continue" (like ISO Buster) This is an updated version of the FileCopy program by Wipin which can now copy a complete directory on to another location using recursive functions. Like the old version of ...more>>

Recursion exampleVersion: VB6
Author: Stan SweetieSubmitted: 8/22/2004Downloads: 6823
Visually show all files and folders under a folder you choose from a dirListBox. Also adjusts form and controls for different screen resolutions. Designed to be as easy as possible with the minimum code to run.

File Conversion: unix to dos/dos to unixVersion: VB6
Author: Gareth LapworthSubmitted: 8/4/2004Views: 40134
Simple procedure to convert textfiles from a unix format (line breaks with chr(10)) to dos format (line breaks with chr(13)) and vice versa.

Create .zip filesVersion: VB5
Author: Mohammad AlianNejadiSubmitted: 7/7/2004Downloads: 10550
This is a binary code that zips files by changing the binary code. I haven't written the unzip code yet. This code looks for repeated characters in a file in binary way and when it finds it more than 5 times one after another, it writes that it has 5 or ...more>>

Mp3 CD LoggerVersion: VB5
Author: BinoSubmitted: 7/4/2004Downloads: 4812
This program searches for a CD and logs all the Mp3's in a CD. This files will be saved into the database and later anybody can find a particular Mp3 from this utility.

Disk information toolVersion: VB5
Author: Humayun Shabbir BhuttaSubmitted: 6/20/2004Downloads: 5390
This application shows information about storage devices on local computer disks. Plus show details about items by selecting its icons from list.

GetFilesVersion: VB6
Author: The WitchdoctorSubmitted: 6/16/2004Downloads: 7028
I found using the common dialog for geting filenames is limited as to how many files can be selected at one time. Use a Treeview control and File scripting object to browse drives and select as many files as needed.

File List SorterVersion: VB6
Author: RandySubmitted: 6/14/2004Downloads: 7127
Will Sort Files by Date Time And Alphabetical just like Explorer...had hard time finding so i made this as a project for others..uses ListView

Report BuilderVersion: VB5
Author: Anuj sharmaSubmitted: 5/11/2004Downloads: 8651
It's a good program for those who want something more in FILES I/O. It's a complete project but totally dedicated to file handling. When you work on it you feel as though it's a database application but actually it's a application which use files as a da ...more>>

Author: JBaronSubmitted: 4/28/2004Downloads: 5166
JBaron Presents <> An Application Created For Stylus Text Writing. 1.Different Text Colors 2.Different Background Colors 3.Opens, Saves Only ( *.txt ) Files. ( For Now ) 4.Television Style 5.Furniture Included!!! This Applica ...more>>

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