A1VBCode Forums

Cant send email in another computer using system.net.mail


By teszero - 11/30/2014

Hello. I am developing a very simple smtp email sender.

I made it, i tested it, and it works fine but... only in my developer computer.

In all other computers that i install my application, it gives me "Failure sending email"

I am developing in the same network than the other machines, all computer under windows xp.

I found a difference, some of the computer uses netframework 3.5 and i was developing this application in netframework 4.0.

I tryed to change it to 3.0 and 3.5 but... with the same result...

Can it be because the class import?

in two days... i cant find the solution Sad

do i need to install something in the other machines? or add a reference file?

my code is this:


Imports System.Net.Mail

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

On Error GoTo 11

Dim msg As New MailMessage()

msg.From = New MailAddress("test@gmail.com", "Email Test")


msg.Subject = "Hey, this is a test"

msg.Body = "smtp email sending test"

Dim client As New SmtpClient()

client.Host = "mysmtp"

client.Port = 25



GoTo 10




End Sub

End Class


Thank you in advance for your help.


Pedro Silva

By Destroyer - 12/1/2014

Check the antivirus settings on the client. They may be interfering with sending of the mail.