A1VBCode Forums

load button arrays


By retsehc - 4/24/2013

Private Sub foodorder_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load



Dim btnArray(no) As System.Windows.Forms.Button

Dim xPos As Integer = 0

Dim yPos As Integer = 0

Dim n As Integer = 1

For i As Integer = 0 To no

' Initialize one variable

btnArray(i) = New System.Windows.Forms.Button

Next i

While (n <= no)

Dim brkln = n / 10

Dim rwidth = Panel1.Width / 10

With (btnArray(n))

.Tag = n + 1 ' Tag of button

.Width = rwidth - 1 ' Width of button

.Height = 60 ' Height of button

' Location of button:

.Left = xPos

.Top = yPos

' Add buttons to a Panel:

Panel1.Controls.Add(btnArray(n)) ' Let panel hold the Buttons

xPos = xPos + .Width ' Left of next button

' Write English Character:

.Text = DataGridView2.Rows(n - 1).Cells(0).Value.ToString

Dim newFont As New Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Regular)

.Font = newFont

.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter

Dim btn = btnArray(n)

AddHandler btnArray(n).Click, AddressOf Me.ClickButton

If Math.Abs(brkln - Fix(brkln)) Then


xPos = 0

yPos = yPos + 60

End If

n += 1

End With

End While

Label1.Visible = True

End Sub

Private Sub dtgrid()

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConnectString())

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand

Dim mydatatable As New DataTable

If conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then


End If

cmd.Connection = conn

cmd.CommandText = "select foodname,foodprice,category from globalfoodprice"

Dim lad As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()


DataGridView2.DataSource = mydatatable


End Sub

Private Sub countrooms()

Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConnectString())

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand


cmd.Connection = con

cmd.CommandText = "select count(*) as cnt from globalfoodprice where category='Soup'"

Dim lcd As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

While lcd.Read()

no = Convert.ToString(lcd("cnt"))

End While


End Sub

***this code works well,but when i add another code like that in a 'sub' with a caregory of vegetable,it does not load. i add the 'sub' code at the bottom of my form load.please help sir,i dont know what to do with this Crazy