A1VBCode Forums

Send message via bluetooth


By amitbolo - 7/24/2011

I am a newbie and I want to develop a application in Visual Studio using C#, so that I can send text messages to my computer via bluetooth. I am badly struck in the middle as the code I made is not working at all.

So please help me with any working code or any online support for the same.
By AmrMohallel - 3/7/2012

You can use the AT Commands via GSM Modem/Phone.

Here's a ready made application SMS Server I found submitted on another forum.

Note: The application is written in VisualBasic, But you can get benefits of the ways he's handling the connection, sending/receiving messages. You can also find corresponding classes to the ones he's using at the Visual Studio C# MSDN Website.

I wish I helped.
