A1VBCode Forums

Problem Inserting values into Sql server


By itsmystuff6 - 8/23/2010

Hi I am new to Vb6 programing.

I have two text boxes on the form. textX and TextY.the user will enter integer values in the text boxes.

I want to connect to sql server database "Temphome" and then insert values in table "coordinates".There are two int fields in the table X ,Y.

How can I do that.I can find the connection code on the internet but having problem finding a simple code which only connects

and insert these values.



By vb5prgrmr - 8/24/2010

Okay, for DNS Less connection string that you can use with ADO see http://www.connectionstrings.com. Also, you may want to use your friends (yahoo, google, ask, answers, bing) to search for vb6 ado tutorial and if you find anything about the ADODC (Activex Data Object Data Control) skip it and only read about the ADODB (Activex Data Object DataBase). Then you might want to use your friends to search for Insert SQL Tutorial...


Good Luck