A1VBCode Forums

Digitize Part of Bitmap Image


By La Vesey - 4/27/2010

I am a raw beginner to visual basic (I have ver. 6), I do have some experience with quickbasic 4.5 which is not visual.

I need code to open a large bitmap image in JPG format, size is 2300 by 2697 pix and my screen size is 1024 by 768, placing it on a background ( or layer), which will not be saved. Then on an active layer I want to draw parts of this bitmap image in as points (nodes) and lines, or ploylines, and when done, save this vector data (layer).

Then I want to export or save this vector data to a file in plain text.

Looks like what I need to do is write code for a "picture box" in order to load (open) the jpg bitmat, --- then ---

write code for recording (appending) the screen coordinates of each mouse click, to an ascii text file.

I have read general books for V B but it appears they are assuming that I already know what is going on, which I do not.

There are commercial programs which will do this, but they are very expensive, and the beauty of writing my own is that I have some control over how it works.

La Vesey
By CDRIVE - 10/12/2011

silverfunk (10/12/2011)
i want to practice also how to create something special of vb.net

Then I suggest that you start by posting in the NET section of the forum.