A1VBCode Forums

mySQL DB inserting issue


By honomas - 1/5/2010

I am having a major issue with inserting french characters in my mySQL DB. The french charaters display perfectly fine on the client-side page. If I edit a field directly in the phpMySQL control panel, the french characters also displays correctly.

But if I insert or update fields from a form on a webpage (using PHP), it converst the special french characters into something not readable. For example, à becomes à Â.

I feel as if I've tried it all... any ideas?? here are the variables set on my server for phpMySQL:


character set client utf8

(Global value) latin1

character set connection utf8

(Global value) latin1

character set database latin1

character set filesystem binary

character set results utf8

(Global value) latin1

character set server latin1

character set system utf8

character sets dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/

collation connection utf8_general_ci

(Global value) latin1_swedish_ci

collation database latin1_swedish_ci

collation server latin1_swedish_ci


Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated!
By vb5prgrmr - 1/5/2010

Are you using an ODBC DSN or its equilivant?? If so you need to see if it has the options of unicode or ansi and switch it to unicode...

Good Luck