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suggestion to copy data from Sql Server into Access database


By sal21 - 12/11/2009

I have a Sql Server in Rome and a shared server dir (with the access database) on a Server in New York.

I have permission on sever dir and databse.

The database on sql Server have exactlly the same structure of Access database. (the table on Sql Server have 200.000 records and 48 columns).

Now i want to recopy all records from Rome to NewYork.

Wath is the best way in terms of time to recopy records from Sql Server to acces Table?

I want to use in my app the ADO jET drive.
By vb5prgrmr - 2/7/2010

One way in which to accomplish this and do it fairly fast is to issue the detach database command through an sql statement under a user/psw that has admin priv. Then copy data and log file to local sql server. Once done, reattach... then shift focus to local and attach. Then you could run through on local system very fast. Otherwise, forever will be an understatement...


Good Luck