A1VBCode Forums

solitaire games


By chriszy - 10/12/2009

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=5]Hi everyone!! ahmm....is there anyone who can help me in solving a solitaire game?

i mean is there anyone here who knows how to move, or drag those cards with a score and gametimer...? coz honestly im just a beginner...and im not that expert in this field...but i want to learn more about this matter..and i want to learn what are the functions to be used to have a solitaire game..
By Keithuk - 5/17/2010

Welcome to A1vbcode Jack.

Jack_smith (5/17/2010)
I am also thinking that you may found some difficulties due to dll or ocx that you are using for this card game.

He hasn't said what he's using yet, he hasn't been back since. Wink