A1VBCode Forums

Settings Help?


By daveofgv - 4/5/2009

I have been making a program in VB.NET (2008) and am tring to learn C#. I want to make the same program in C# and have some troubles with my.settings.

I have two forms (vb.net). One form has textbox's that are binding to my.settings.  When the user types in a web address in urltextbox and the name of the website in urlnametextbox the settings are binded to the other form with buttons that connect to my browser so the the user can just click the button to take them to the website that is binded to that setting....

on form 2 (code for the button)

Dim myURL As String = My.Settings.url1



I would like to learn the same thing with C# but see that it's different.  If anyone could help me I would appreciate it.
