A1VBCode Forums

Previous Next Buttons


By shers - 1/10/2009


I have some images that has to be displayed on a form from a dynamic folder using control array. The controls display 5X3, that is 15 images on one form. How do I display the next set of images using Next button, and go back to the previous set using the Previous button, if there are more than 15 files in the folder.


By amanz90 - 8/7/2009


my next button works on the second click...eg:if i click next the page will just reload and then i click anything else on the page then the next button works

same for previous.... really need some help

this is the code i have


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

If Not IsPostBack Then

p = 0

Session("p") = p 'p

End If

nsi = Session("nsi") 'no of images

lp = nsi / 15 'last page

Session("lp") = lp


p = Session("p")

lblpn.Text = p & "/" & lp


End Sub

Dim j, x(15) As Int32

Private Sub pagechk()

lp = Session("lp")

p = Session("p")

If p = lp Then

btnnext.Enabled = False

btnprv.Enabled = True

If p > 0 Then

btnprv.Enabled = True


btnprv.Enabled = False

End If


btnnext.Enabled = True

If p > 0 Then

btnprv.Enabled = True


btnprv.Enabled = False

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub display()

p = Session("p")

j = p * 15

For i As Int32 = 1 To 15

j += 1

x(i) = j


imgsuits1.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(1) & ".jpg"

imgsuits2.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(2) & ".jpg"

imgsuits3.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(3) & ".jpg"

imgsuits4.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(4) & ".jpg"

imgsuits5.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(5) & ".jpg"

imgsuits6.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(6) & ".jpg"

imgsuits7.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(7) & ".jpg"

imgsuits8.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(8) & ".jpg"

imgsuits9.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(9) & ".jpg"

imgsuits10.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(10) & ".jpg"

imgsuits11.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(11) & ".jpg"

imgsuits12.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(12) & ".jpg"

imgsuits13.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(13) & ".jpg"

imgsuits14.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(14) & ".jpg"

imgsuits15.ImageUrl = "~/images/Suits thumbs/p" & x(15) & ".jpg"

End Sub

Protected Sub btnprv_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnprv.Click

p = Session("p")

p = p - 1

Session("p") = p

Session("bt") = 1

End Sub

Protected Sub btnnext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnnext.Click

p = Session("p")

p = p + 1

Session("p") = p

Session("bt") = 1

End Sub

Protected Sub Page_Unload(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Unload

If Session("bt") = 1 Then

Session("bt") = 0


Session("p") = 0

Session("bt") = 0

End If

End Sub