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Pinvoke DLL need help


By johnng - 9/16/2008

I am trying to complete my project with third party dll using vb.net ,
i cant call the function RDA_ReadAlarmList as below ,
this function call return a integer value and receive the RDA_ReadAlarmList Structure and RDA_AlarmSearchParam as a parameter.

Hope the bro here can help me on this , already headache for few week on this .. what --> RDS_AlarmList **outAlarmList means ?
Structure array ? How should i call this in vb.net ?

10.8.1 It acquires an alarm list ( The asynchronousness ).

int WINAPI RDA_ReadAlarmList(RDS_AlarmList **outAlarmList, RDS_AlarmSearchParam *inAlarmSearchParam);

11.8.4 The alarm list search parameter
typedef struct {
RDE_SearchDir dir; The direction of the search
RDE_SearchMode mode; The browse mode
int num; The number of the searches (1-1000)
bool senser[16]; The sensor true...The sensor is valid.
int year; The year ( The 4 digit Christian era )
int month; The month (1-12)
int day; The day (1-31)
int hour; The hour (0-23)
int minute; The minute (0-59)
int second; The second (0-59)
} RDS_AlarmSearchParam;

11.8.4 The alarm list item
typedef struct {
int listNumber; The list supervision number (0-9999)
int alarmNumber; The alarm list number (1-10000)
bool isEnable; The alarm validity / the invalidity ( true: Valid, false: Invalid )
int year; The year ( 4 digits )
int month; The month (1-12)
int day; The day (1-31)
int hour; The hour (0-23)
int minute; The minute (0-59)
int second; The second (0-59)
int block; The device index
int field; The field number
int drive; The playback point drive number
int vol; The playback point VOLUME number
int camera; The camera number ( 0: The emergency, 1-: The camera number )
RDE_Alarm alarmType; The alarm type
} RDS_AlarmList;