A1VBCode Forums

confused with the looping


By ashley_10 - 7/23/2008

how can you loop the records in the database with fading?

In this image:

what i want is to loop the records.. like for example, after it displays the first record it fades out and then transfer to another record in the database.. then fades out again and turn to another record and so on...

here is my vb code...

Dim x As Integer

x = 10

Do While x <= 10

If sqlreader.Read() Then

empno.Text = sqlreader.GetValue(0)

firstname.Text = sqlreader.GetValue(1)

midname.Text = sqlreader.GetValue(2)

lastname.Text = sqlreader.GetValue(3)

titlecode.Text = "Title: " & sqlreader.GetValue(4)

hiredate.Text = "Date Hired: " & sqlreader.GetValue(5)

empimg.ImageUrl = "~/images/" + sqlreader.GetValue(0) + ".jpg"

End If

x = x + 1


'code for fading

Show1.Width = "560px"

Show1.Height = "100px"

Show1.ShowType = ShowType.Show

Show1.TransitionType = TransitionType.Fading

Show1.FadingSpeed = 1000

Show1.FadingStep = 3
