A1VBCode Forums

Xtremely Important DirectX Real-Time Character Animation


By vbinterface - 12/11/2007

Hi to all Visual Basic-DirectX Programmers,

I am developing a character animation program just like Poser in DirectX 8.1. I know that it is possible to animate the frames in .X files by parsing the .X file and manipulate the frames in run-time. Although, the route to it seems to be very long instead of direct frame trasformation.

If anyone of you have directly transformed the Frame Rotation matrix in runtime please help me in writing similar code.

I expect the process in following steps:

1) Loading .X file into program ..................(done)

2) Loading SkinMesh Information.

3) Transforming Frame Matrix.

4) Updating Frames

5) Display Skinned Mesh.

I have read most of skinned mesh documents, but I still find them confusing.

What I want just is rotate a character body part in run-time using Frame Transformation Matrix.

Thanks in advance.

By Keithuk - 12/11/2007

Welcome to A1vbcode vbinterface.

I haven't done any DirectX programming on my own so a good place to search is

http://directx4vb.vbgamer.com/DirectX4VB/TUT_DX9Start.asp Wink