A1VBCode Forums

How to move a sprite with DirectX 7?


By kazamamakoto - 6/25/2007

Yo ppl =P I've tried several times to learn directX but this time I actually got it lol (^_^) anywayz, Im trying to expand my knowledge step by step, and the next step for me is to gain the power to set the .left and .top values of the objects I load as DirectDrawSurfaces and thus be able to move them around the screen (I can use both windowed mode and full screen mode, so it doesnt matter which approach u have used) and well, anyone who can give me a hand in accomplishing this task I shall bestow my thanks and blessings upon lol.
By Keithuk - 6/26/2007

Well because there aren't many replies to DirectX questions here I would suggest you do a search here, or post your own question in here. There are loads of DirectX queries here. Wink