A1VBCode Forums

GetProcessTimes CPU process usage percent


By eugene2005 - 11/29/2006

GetProcessTimes CPU process usage percent

it does not show correctly,

how to work with big numbers? 64bit

Private Sub timCPU_Timer()

On Error Resume Next

hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, 0, Val(txtPID))

Static ftKernelStart As FILETIME

Static ftUserStart As FILETIME

bRet = GetProcessTimes(hProc, ftCreat, ftExit, ftKernel, ftUser)

Dim PU As Double

PU = ((ftKernel.dwLowDateTime - ftKernelStart.dwLowDateTime) + (ftUser.dwLowDateTime - ftUserStart.dwLowDateTime) / 1000) * 100

PU = PU / 10000000

If PU > maxcpu And PU <= 100 Then

maxcpu = PU

txtMAX.Text = CStr(maxcpu)

End If

txtCPU.Text = CStr(PU)

ftKernelStart = ftKernel

ftUserStart = ftUser

End Sub