A1VBCode Forums



By Bouzy - 8/18/2006

Hello, I am new to VB6 and am trying to get throught Jonathan S. Harbours book Game Programing For Teens. I am trying to load a bitmap image onto the screen and like I think make a program so I can use this code in the future..... I think.... but I Keep getting error messages on my code can someone please help.

Private Sub DrawTile( _

ByRef source As Direct3DSurface8, _

ByVal sourcex As Long, _

ByVal sourcey As Long, _

ByVal width As Long, _

ByVal height As Long, _

ByVal destx As Long, _

ByVal desty As Long)

'create a RECT to describe the source image

Dim sourceRect As DxVBLibA.RECT

'set the upper left corner of the source image

sourceRect.Left = sourcex

sourceRect.Top = sourcey

'set the bottom right corner of the source image

sourceRect.Right = sourcex + width

sourceRect.bottom = sourcey + height

'create a POINT to define the destination

Dim point1 As DxVBLibA.Point

'set the upper left corner of where to draw the image

point1.x = destx

point1.y = desty

'draw the source bitmap tile image

d3ddev.CopyRects source, sourceRect, 1, backbuffer, point1

End Sub

'make sure every variable is declared

Option Explicit

'make all arrays start with 0 instead of 1

Option Base 0

'customize the program here

Const SCREENWIDTH As Long = 800

Const SCREENHEIGHT As Long = 600

Const FULLSCREEN As Boolean = False

Const C_BLACK As Long = &H0

Const C_RED As Long = &HFF0000

'the DirectX objects

Dim dx As DirectX8

Dim d3d As Direct3D8

Dim d3dx As New D3DX8

Dim dispmode As D3DDISPLAYMODE


Dim d3ddev As Direct3DDevice8

'some surfaces

Dim backbuffer As Direct3DSurface8

Dim castle As Direct3DSurface8

Private Sub Form_Load()

'set up the main form

Form1.Caption = "DrawTile"

Form1.AutoRedraw = False

Form1.BorderStyle = 1

Form1.ClipControls = False

Form1.ScaleMode = 3

Form1.width = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * (SCREENWIDTH + 12)

Form1.height = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY * (SCREENHEIGHT + 30)


'initialize Direct3D


'get reference to the back buffer

Set backbuffer = d3ddev.GetBackBuffer(0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO)

'load the bitmap file--castle.bmp is 1024x1024

Set castle = LoadSurface(App.Path & "\castle.bmp", 1024, 1024)

End Sub

Public Sub InitDirect3D( _

ByVal hwnd As Long, _

ByVal lWidth As Long, _

ByVal lHeight As Long, _

ByVal bFullscreen As Boolean)

'catch any errors here

On Local Error GoTo fatal_error

'create the DirectX object

Set dx = New DirectX8

'create the Direct3D object

Set dx = New DirectX8

'create the DirectX object

Set dx = New DirectX8

'create the Direct3D object

Set d3d = dx.Direct3DCreate()

If d3d Is Nothing Then

MsgBox "Error initializing Direct3D!"


End If

'tell D3D to use the current color depth

d3d.GetAdapterDisplayMode D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, dispmode

'set the display settings used to create the device


d3dpp.hDeviceWindow = hwnd

d3dpp.BackBufferCount = 1

d3dpp.BackBufferWidth = lWidth

d3dpp.BackBufferHeight = lHeight


d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = dispmode.Format

'set windowed or fullscreen mode

If bFullscreen Then

d3dpp.Windowed = 0


d3dpp.Windowed = 1

End If

'chapter 9

d3dpp.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE

d3dpp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE

d3dpp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D32

'create the D3D primary device

Set d3ddev = d3d.CreeateDevice( _



hwnd, _



If d3ddev Is Nothing Then

MsgBox "Error creating the Direct3D device!"


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Paint()

'clear the background of the screen

d3ddeb.Clear 0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, C_BLACK, 1, 0

'draw the castle bitmap "tile" image

DrawTile castle, 0, 0, 511, 511, 25, 25

'send the back buffer to the screen

d3ddev.Present ByVal 0, ByVal 0, 0, ByVal 0

End Sub

Private Sub FormKeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

If KeyCode = 27 Then Shutdown

End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)


End Sub

Private Sub Shutdown()

Set castle = Nothing

Set d3ddev = Nothing

Set d3d = Nothing

Set dx = Nothing


End Sub

Private Function LoadSurface( _

ByVal filename As String, _

ByVal width As Long, _

ByVal height As Long) _

As Direct3DSurface8

On Local Error GoTo fatal_error

Dim surf As Direct3DSurface8

'return error by default

Set LoadSurface = Nothing

'create the new surface

Set surf = d3ddev.CreateImageSurface(width, height, dispmode.Format)

If surf Is Nothing Then

MsgBox "Error creating surface!"

Exit Function

End If

'load surface from file

d3dx.LoadSurfaceFromFile _

surf, _

ByVal 0, _

ByVal 0, _

filename, _

ByVal 0, _


0, _

ByVal 0

If surf Is Nothing Then

MsgBox "Error loading " & filename & "!"

Exit Function

End If

'return the new surface

Set LoadSurface = surf


Exit Function

End Function

The first error im getting is in bold if i can fix this i will post the rest but its in bold above and says Compile Error only user-difine types define in public object modules can be coerced to or from a variant or passed to late-bound funtions And it is hilighted not red but hilighted.


Oh ya and since i dont know any basic VB commands where can i learn them I have a book Visual Basic 6 Crash course but the code in it simply doesnt work. I dont want to halve to spend a month learnign basic commands cause i was iching to get into this other book i have and its so far not a real problem but i cant like read the code or understand all of it. I get some,,,, a little some of it and the book explains it well but it goes over my head does that matter or will i learn as i make the rpg the book teaches how to make???? how long did it take you guys to be able to like read code???