A1VBCode Forums

Application instances


By toni - 6/2/2006


May I can get some help here... I'm trying to properly detect if more than one application instances are started.

There is App.PrevInstance, but this ensures only a previously started instance, I also need a subsequently started instance.

There is also the API function FindWindow, but this detects even the calling instance itself. I need here only if there is another instance started.

Any other suggestions?


By magnus - 6/22/2006


Hope this helps.. from http://www.kbalertz.com/841291/write.application.supports.Switching.feature.using.Visual.Basic.Windows.aspx

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


Dim blnChk As Boolean


'Checking for the existence of an

'application that is already running.


If UBound(Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName _

(Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName)) > 0 Then


'Checking if there is already

'an instance that is running in this user's session.


blnChk = ActivatePrevInstance("FastSwitchingForm")


If (blnChk = False) Then

MsgBox("Another instance of " & _

Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess.ProcessName & _

" is already running in another user's session on this computer." & _

" You cannot run two instances at a time. You must use the other instance.")


End If


End If


End Sub


'This is a function to verify whether the application is already running.

'If the application is already running, set the focus on the application.


Private Function ActivatePrevInstance(ByVal argStrAppToFind As String) As Boolean


Dim PrevHndl As IntPtr = Nothing

Dim result As Boolean

Dim objProcess As New Process() 'This is a variable to hold an individual process.

Dim objProcesses() As Process 'This is a collection of all the processes that are running on the local computer.


objProcesses = Process.GetProcesses() 'Get all processes into the collection.()


For Each objProcess In objProcesses


'Check and then exit if there is an application that is already running.


If UCase(objProcess.MainWindowTitle) = UCase(argStrAppToFind) Then

MsgBox("Another instance of " & argStrAppToFind & _

" is already running on this computer. " & _

"You cannot run two instances at a time." & _

" You must use the other instance.")

PrevHndl = objProcess.MainWindowHandle

Exit For

End If



If PrevHndl.Equals(IntPtr.Zero) Then

ActivatePrevInstance = False

Exit Function 'If no previous instance is found, exit the application.


ActivatePrevInstance = True

End If


result = OpenIcon(PrevHndl) 'Restore the program.

result = SetForegroundWindow(PrevHndl) 'Activate the application.

End 'End the current instance of the application.


End Function
