A1VBCode Forums



By nn - 2/26/2006

I am newbies in asp web development..i had a problem when after i uploaded my web to server.i couldn't find my database when i trying to login.i am using server.mappath("../register/db1.mdb")

when i use it in my local pc i am using it like this server.mappath("db1.mdb") .it's working...

i name my path "../register/db1.mdb" because i have a domain name infront of it. something like this.


please help me...
By dannyrose12 - 1/28/2011

why not use the implicit itinerary instead of the congener one you're using now? the "../" is informatory the app to examine in the parent directory of the directory it is currently eating. fair use the complete target.. or see if you can use the tag somewhere (worthless, tho', i bed cipher active asp, but this problem doesn't seem asp unique).