A1VBCode Forums

Message Viewing Issues


By johnboy891 - 8/26/2005

hello -

perhaps the answer to this was posted in a obscure area of the forums, but i wouldn't know since i haven't searched.  but...

...is anyone else noticing an increased occurrance of messages that are not wrapping when viewed?  to me they show up on one line and i have to scroll way over to get to the end.. no carriage returns at all.

what's up with that?

secondary note to mods and/or site-op(s):

bring back the part of the old forum where, when you were replying to a message, the original message still loomed above, giving you a reference on what you were replying to.  now i either have to 1) quote my reply and then delete the quote when i am done or 2) open a new browser window, one to show the original message and one for my typing window (this, of course, only applies to posts too large for short-term memory =P).

there, i said it.

By Keithuk - 10/6/2008

Welcome to A1vbcode irving.

irving (10/6/2008)
Well, at least you'll be able to reply to a particular topic. Not like some other forums, where posting a topic or being able to reply to a certain topic is disabled.

Well I don't know which VB forums you are using but the 40 that I use I can reply to any of the posts, thats providing you have registered with them. Can you post a link for an example?  Wink